Roscoe Pound

  • 网络罗斯科·庞德;庞德;美国法学家庞德;罗斯科庞德;法学家庞德
Roscoe PoundRoscoe Pound
  1. Roscoe Pound is one of the main representatives of contemporary American sociological law , and is one of the most influential jurists in the 20th Century .


  2. Roscoe Pound and the Modern Chinese Law Education


  3. Why the Western Laws Were Not Used for Reference in China ? - A Brief Analysis of Roscoe Pound and the Legal Reform in Modern China


  4. Sociological jurisprudence , Which established by Roscoe ? Pound , was a basic direction in development of the American law from the end of the nineteen century to beginning of the twenty century .
